Recent & Current Work

New 2018 Updates Coming Soon!

Young Dads Collective – Working with Coram Family and Childcare to develop their award winning Young Dads Collective programme, ensuring it’s sustainability and impact through national delivery of dad focused professional development and consultancy.

Understanding Trauma & Youth Violence – Workshops and presentation for professionals to increase awareness of trauma and it’s impacts

streetdoctors-traumastreetdoctorsDelivering workshops to professionals including medical students, junior doctors and youth offending practitioners. Workshops aim to increase awareness of trauma, how trauma affects the brain and improve understanding of pain-based behaviours.

Recent delivery included the Youth Justice Board London Gangs & Serious Youth Violence Forum and the annual StreetDoctors conference. Participants were supported to recognise the value of developing kind and compassionate relationships with young people.



Multidisciplinary Safeguarding Training – Developing and delivering bespoke training packages

Had such fun working with staff & freelance trainers at Leap Confronting Conflict delivering introduction to safeguarding training. I developed a bespoke course that was tailored to their work and it was great seeing everyone get really stuck in to discussion and role plays. Feedback shows that confidence has grown and participants feel more able to respond effectively to safeguarding concerns.

“Thank you so much. The other safeguarding training I have attended was not so engaging. This course ensured there were discussions and everyone had a chance to put their thoughts across”


“Really got a lot from Nicky’s breadth of knowledge and the real life examples”

“I feel like I know a LOT more about safeguarding than I did 6 hours ago!”

“I’ve done Level 3 Safeguarding training but this course made a huge difference to my knowledge and confidence”


Youth Violence Commission – A cross-party Commission to examine the root causes and drivers of youth violence

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Supporting the early stages of the Youth Violence Commission, led by Vicky Foxcroft MP, with ongoing involvement to consider links between trauma and youth violence.



Leap Confronting Conflict – Developing innovative strength based interventions for those on the periphery of ‘gangs’ and serious group offending in Lambeth and Southwark and leading a comprehensive internal safeguarding audit to ensure best practice.

Best Practice in Trauma Informed Care: Lessons from Chicago – Creating a platform to advance the UK conversation around trauma informed care with the youth justice sector. More information coming soon.

Whole Community Approaches: Empowering Change for Communities – Exploring ways to work with communities to create lasting positive change. More information coming soon.

Cross Border Learning Review – A comprehensive learning review into a gang-related child homicide to identify good practice and opportunities to improve practice.